Sharon HAI C-diff after hip replacement surgery
Your Name: Lynn
Patient’s Name/Relationship: Sharon, sister-in-law
City/State: Syracuse, NY
When did event occur (what year)? 2015
Where did event occur? Acute Care General Hospital
What type of medical harm did you experience or witness? Healthcare-Acquired Infection
Please describe what happened. Sharon had a hip replacement, and was put in a semi-private room for recovery. Her roommate was making frequent trips to the bathroom, and when Sharon returned home she discovered she had contracted C-Diff. It took an entire year to get it under control (although it still flares up from time to time) and because of her weakness, she was unable to do the physical therapy she needed for her hip. She still needs to use a cane or wheelchair to get around.
What was the outcome of the medical harm issue? Serious or life-threatening injury