Patient Stories
These stories were submitted by individuals. They have not been checked by the Patient Safety Action Network for accuracy. The stories reflect the views and opinions of those who have submitted them.

Evelyn Andrist, Cali Andrist, and Eric Andrist
HAI sepsis, failure to resuscitate and a botched surgery

Vera Links Eliscu
Too-small trach slipped out of a new stoma, causing loss of oxygen and brain damage
“Banjo Grandma”
Double mastecomy with reconstruction and HAI fungal infection
Aaron Fritzsche
Inpatient roommates have same surgeon and same post-op HAI staph infections
Healthcare-acquired MRSA from poor wound care in nursing home
Arnold Earl Cheal
Hospital lost important diagnostic lab sample, twice
Beverly Mioskowski
Post operative HAI staph infection results in long and difficult recovery
Brittney Faust
Repeatedly improperly dosed and overdosed with rabies vaccine after being bitten by a bat
Carlos G Boluarte
Nurses on cell phones did not provide care
Carol Gesalman
They ignored her alarms until she coded
Carol Griest
C-diff while inpatient for fractured hip
Carol Simshauser
HAI MRSA in spine after hysterectomy and subsequently overdosed by staff with Oxycodone
Catherine Reinhard
Proper precautions not taken for pre-exisiting implanted device during unrelated surgery
Charles Gallagher
HAI after MOHS procedure
Christa Bledsoe
Non-treatment of active MRSA infection caused her death
David Adams
A series of errors and still having serious problems
Donna DeBerardino
Hospital Acquired Infection
Eva Kindaichi-Lazaar
Placed in isolation due to HAI, twice!
Evan Gill
HAI extended hospital stay
Franklin Gabriel
Lifelong antibiotics prescribed for HAI after hip surgery
Gary Weiss
Routine heart surgery results in quadriplegia at 49 years old
Geraldine Noelte
Bones misaligned during surgical cervical fusion
A series of errors and still having serious problems
Jelka Radic
Failure to revive due to inaction and empty oxygen canister
HAI with poor infection prevention precautions
Inadequate inpatient hydration leads to life-threatening emergency
John Tufaro
Knee replacement results is HAI and removal of right leg
Karin Johnson
Sub-standard nursing care caused injury, discomfort and delayed recovery
Kathy McCarty
Lost two sisters due to surgical error
Kendra M. Profumo
Simple surgery results in perforated uterus, bowel, sepsis and continuing poor health
Larry Bartolazzi
Entered hospital for a biopsy, acquired MRSA and loss of renal function
Larry Sullivan
A long series of unsafe practices led to sepsis and death at major hospital
Laura Sides
HAI C-diff caused removal of large portion of colon
Vocal cord injury sustained during abdominal surgery
Mariama N Ali
Tight schedules and sloppy procedures create delayed cancer detection
Hospital acquired surgical site infection
Matilde Torres
Hip implant surgery results in 2 HAIs. Infections still being treated a year later
Michael Williamson
Given oral and injectible Coumadin simultaneously as hospital inpatient
Severe HAI with complications after hip replacement surgery
Raymond Allen
Medication error causes death
Ria Small
Severely sickened by post-operative administration of known allergen
HAI Necrotizing Fasciitis after heart surgery
Richard Paro
Acquired c-diff as a hospital visitor
Robert Miller
Delayed treatment of post-surgical HAI causes further damage and delayed recovery
Robert Tracy
Repeated delayed diagnoses result in VRE, sepsis and death
Injured while being transported from hospital bed to wheelchair
HAI pseudomonas, placed on ventilator and induced coma after valve replacement
Ron Francis
My doctor gave me MRSA
Sabrina Wade
Surgical error leads to three month paralysis and death
HAI C-diff after hip replacement surgery
Sherry Minor
Hospital-acquired C-diff
Susan M. Wagner
Subsequent surgery and permanent disability resulting from hospital refusal to treat infection
Sydney Koerner
E-coli infrection but no investigation because he was one of the "unlucky one percent"
Victor Riga
Surgical site infection leads to C-diff three times
Vincent Limoli
Contracted MRSA while inpatient
Kidneys damaged by contrast material after eleven MRIs