Think Ahead: Checklists and Fact Sheets
PSAN Questions to Ask My Doctor – Every patient has the right to ask questions which will help them better participate in their own care. These questions will not only help in making an informed decision, your knowledge of and engagement in your care may keep you safer and healthier as you navigate the healthcare system.
Empowered Patient App for great questions to ask your physician, and much more. Created by Dr. Julia Hallisy
CampaignZERO publishes checklists to help you prevent the most common errors in hospital care.
Choosing Wisely materials were developed by Consumer Reports in partnership with medical specialty societies on an assortment of medical topics.
The Empowered Patient Coalition Fact Sheets on a variety of important medical topics
Prepare for Your Next Visit to the Hospital – Expert Awareness from Patient Safety ASAP
12 Things to Ask When Your Doctor Wants Your Consent to Use a Medical Device